Strangest Jobs of men had I've met:
1. Snake Breeder. Yes folks, I said someone that breeds snakes for a living and owns over 500 of them
2. Sailboat Maintenance Manager: I could of sworn most sailboats don't have motors, but whatever. I am just not sure what this job really is.
3. Dog Walker/ Dog Sitter: sounds fun, but for a man and as a career? And he's straight!?! Not so sure that career is going anywhere.
4. Starving Actor and Model: at 36? really? don't you think you after 15 years of trying, that maybe you would pick up a real job and make this your side gig. Oh and bartending does not count as your "main job".
5. The best is "in between" work. Otherwise known as "reinventing myself", "taking some time off from the workplace". Hey, we all know this is a bad economy and most have been out of work at one time or another, so just tell me that.
Honesty is the best policy... if you can't handle their career path (or anything else about them), just tell them. The snake breeder could not figure out why I did not want to go on a date with him after our lovely phone conversation. I had to tell him that the whole snake breeding/ owning 500+ snakes is just not for me. I find snakes disgusting and therefore, we obviously have quite different interests!