Thursday, July 9, 2009

Third Wheel

Vacation was fabulous! A time for some much needed relaxation. The beach was more than amazing and the weather could not have been better. Of course now that I am back in Texas, I feel like I walked into a sauna!
While on vacation, I had time to think.......I thought about life and love as I watched those around me in relationships. Here I was the "third wheel" and beginning to question if I liked it that way.... Is the third wheel really that bad? Of course it would be nice to travel with a partner and the two of you could do things together, etc.. but is single hood really as bad as people make it out to be? Was I lacking so much by having this time to myself?
Taking this time to find myself, has not been a bad process at all. Finding myself has helped me determine what qualities I deserve out of a relationship. While searching for "Mr. Right"...... I've had to understand my own personality and what I am attracted to. What are my priorities in life? What matters to me? What do I enjoy doing? I suggest everyone take some time and re-evaluate what really matters to them.... What makes you "tick"? What are you passionate about? What are your goals and dreams?
Just because I am currently the third wheel, does not mean I will always be. So, while I am... I am embracing it. I was once told "Love your circumstance" and that is exactly what I am doing..... Registered & Protected


  1. Hey Courtney! I find myself as the 3rd wheel quite often. And you're right it's not always so bad. Love reading your blog, keep up the good work!

  2. I totally agree Courtney! Being the third wheel isn't so bad for now - I'll embrace it with you!

  3. Even though i am now very happily married, i was that 3rd wheel for a long time! i LOVED my life: i had a great job, i was in great shape, all the $ was mine... enjoy what it is & it won't be that way forever unless... you fall in love with being single!!
    thanks for following my blog, i ♥ yours!!

  4. hi, i know you're blog is over {congratulations on getting married!} but i'm actually looking to see if i can get a-hold of the image that you used of the beach. it would be PERFECT for a party invitation that i'm working on. i could pay you for it!
