Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Ex

Finding someone!!! Wow, I actually met someone on “myspace”. Really? How does that even work, you might ask…. Well, an email is sent, a friend request is made, and voila… email buddies who turn into friends who eventually start a relationship. Ahhhhh, technology!

After a month of talking, we’ll call him “Mr. Jones" and I met! We fell hard… let me say, I fell hard and he acted to fall as well…....

Then, I find out he is separated and going “through a divorce”. LADIES, run, run very fast. Hindsight is 20/20… but make sure the divorce is final and he has been divorced at LEAST 6 months before jumping into a relationship! The man goes through what is called a "divorce honeymoon" after the divorce is said and done. This is where he needs his time to figure himself out and "sow his wild oats" before he is settled down again. If there is not a least 6 months in between his divorce and you... then it he will go through this when you are together. All of a sudden he will feel as if he needs "his" time to figure out his life, direction, purpose..... blah, blah, blah. In the end it is just best to let him get this divorce honeymoon out of the way BEFORE you begin a relationship. Call yourself forewarned.

I began getting calls to my work for this mysterious “ex” of Mr. Jones! I finally said why is the crazy calling me and do I need to get a restraining order? Well, the crazy is harassing me and accusing me of “cheating on her ‘husband’” What? Considering I did not even know he was still married when we started talking, how could I be to blame. Considering Mr. Jones moved cities and filed for divorce way before meeting me, she really had no leg to stand on. Note to self: people are temporarily insane when they are going through a divorce.... I realized this after I was being followed by a private investigator. Kinda creepy when you find out someone has been following you, watching you, etc! Hmmmm, didn’t ask for this! Now I am the person with zero baggage. No children, no crazy ex, no “shared goods” with the ex, no debt, and definitely more sanity then most combined, but yet I am the one that is the "bad" person. Luckily the craziness was short lived, but remember... when the man has a kid with the ex.... she will still be around forever!

*****Side note*****.....Counseling does help by the way… would recommend it to through a divorce. Hell, I will recommend it for the life of your life. You are always either coming out of a crisis, going into a crisis, or in the middle of a crisis. So, that is a recommended investment for those who enjoy being smarter than most.

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